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Kerry-Ann Jordaan

Role: PhD Candidate

Co-supervisors: Prof. Johan Burger, Dr. Manuela Campa, Dr. Luca Nerva

Kerry-Ann is a PhD Agricultural Science student in the Fruit Functional Genomics lab, under the core supervision of Dr. Justin Lashbrooke. Her project centers around identifying and characterising genes controlling bunch morphology in grapevine. Prior to this, she completed her BSc in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (2019), followed by a Hons (2020) and MSc degree (2023) in Wine Biotechnology at Stellenbosch University. Her journey toward her PhD was strongly supported by the foundation in genetics and viticulture provided by her previous degrees, sparking a passion for understanding the genetic basis of grapevine bunch morphology traits. Leveraging expertise, Kerry-Ann aspires for her PhD project to contribute to scientific research by elucidating the genetic basis of bunch morphology traits, informing breeding programs and ecosystem studies, while enhancing the understanding of grapevine plant biology and agricultural sustainability, ultimately driving innovation in viticulture and enology. Outside of academia, Kerry-Ann enjoys music, watching anime, and exploring nature trails.

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